
October 18, 2007

We find ourselves in interesting political times. With the resignation of Menzies Campbell, the LibDems are about to embark on their seemingly annual parade of weirdos. Yes – it’s leadership election time.

Likely to feature in this cavalcade of social outcasts is the political machine pictured below, which raises the question of nomenclature. Others have posited Lembriela as the portmanteau of choice. Personally, I cannot think of a worse choice. “Lembriela” is a lovely word. It scans well, and without too much imagination, one can see oneself sat on the shores of Lake Garda in the tiny village of Lembriela, enjoying the sunset, a cheeky glass of red, and a magnificent meal with a loved one. The word to describe the pair has to be “Gabbit”. Gabbit is an ugly, clunky word, thus making it perfectly suited to describe the ugly, clunky union between a pumpkin-on-a-stick and a socially-awkward, wonky-faced politico.


I trust that readers of the Mumblings will be discerning enough to make the right choice in this important matter of national significance.